2020 Roscommon Canoe Classic Update

For the past several days the race board and myself have been busy communicating with the MCRA, county and state officials to make the Roscommon Canoe Classic happen. We have created a new format for both C2 and C1 races that make them safe and in accordance with social distancing order. However, with the Stay At Home order in effect until May 15th I am unable to get the DNR Marine Permit for this event. It is not worth risking future events in Michigan by trying to work around the Michigan DNR. I have decided to postpone, NOT CANCEL, the race until possibly Memorial Weekend or a June date. Allowing us extra time to get the permit and ensure we are not stepping on anyone’s toes.

As we move forward I will be releasing the formats to these races. Remember that in these times sacrifices will be made to make races happen. If anyone is upset by the restrictions please address me and me only.

Thank you everyone who is on board and supportive! We hope to have you on the water ASAP.
Sean Brabant