A Paddler’s Guide to Shelter in Place

A Paddler’s Guide to Shelter in Place by Chuck Hewitt

Executive Order 2020-42 Impact on Canoe Training.

The Governor’s Executive Order of April 10, 2020, rescinded and expanded upon her prior order for suspension of activities not necessary to sustain or protect life. Subject to exceptions in the order all people are to shelter in place and basically, restrict physical contact to people only of their own household, meaning people you live with. The new order expires April 30, 2020, at 12:59p.m.
Exceptions include the ability to leave your home or place of residence and travel as necessary to engage in recreational activity. The order specifically refers to canoeing. That is the good news. However, the order also says outdoor activity must include proper social distancing. The bad news is the order does not take into account that bow and stern paddlers in a C2 are more than six feet apart. The DNR on its website, in fact, states that people not of the same household may not boat together. Accordingly, if you are not of the same household it is technically a misdemeanor to train in a C2 with someone not of your household.
The order does not place any apparent limits on how far you can travel to train. But, when you take into account the logistics of spotting cars (you can’t be in a car with someone not of your household) making plans for a town to Mio training run gets complicated. Taken together, C1 training is the most viable option for us while we all ride out this pandemic. Remember, the more everyone follows the rules (not just paddlers) the more likely we can still have a season including the “mother of all races.” I hate the very thought of the Marathon being cancelled. Everyone stay safe!